Damaged Screw Remover Set InnovaGoods 4 Units
InnovaGoods offers the latest items for your home, such as the Damaged Screw Remover Set InnovaGoods 4 Units.
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Postage is charged at the time of purchase: €3.66 (+€2.80 after cash on delivery)
Estimated delivery time is 4-10 working days
Dimensions (cm): 18,50 x 5,00 x 13,00
Weight: 0,12kg
Brand: InnovaGoods
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InnovaGoods offers the latest items for your home, such as the Damaged Screw Remover Set InnovaGoods 4 Units ! Discover a wide range of high-quality products which stand out for their functionality, efficiency and innovative design: lighting, storage, decoration, air conditioning, garden, pets, cleaning, etc.
Very useful and effective to remove damaged and/or rusted screws easily and quickly. Each double-acting drill bit drills through the head of the screws and then effortlessly removes them.
- Material: Made of hardened steel (60 HRc)
- Colour:
- Type: Tools
- Units: 4 Units
- Characteristics: High strength and hardness
- Compatible: Suitable for any drill
- Approx. dimensions: Approx. length of drill bits: 5 cm
- Includes: Case (approx. 8.6 x 1.5 x 6 cm)
- Suitable for:
- Screws: 16-24 / bolts: 10 mm
- Screws: 11-14 / bolts: 8 mm
- Screws: 8-10 / bolts: 6 mm
- Screws: 4-7 / bolts: 5 mm
- Packaging and manual in 24 languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Hungarian, Romanian, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Slovenian, Greek, Czech, Bulgarian, Croatian, Slovakian, Estonian, Russian and Latvian
Terms of purchase
- Purchase applies to: Damaged Screw Remover Set InnovaGoods 4 Units
- Estimated delivery time is 4-10 working days from confirmed payment.
- The package will be provided by Qualitas d.o.o. sent by mail, if you choose the delivery option at the time of purchase.
- Postage is charged at the time of purchase: €3.66.
- Personal collection is possible in Kranj, Ljubljanska cesta 24b, if you select the personal collection option when purchasing.
- In the case of personal collection, the purchase can be redeemed 15 days after the notification for collection has been sent.
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