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3 Day Boat Manager Course, MOST FOR YOUR MONEY!

The price includes a 16-hour boatmaster course led by a lecturer who teaches more than 1,000 candidates annually, an offshore boatmaster's manual (book), a nautical chart and a knot line (for permanent possession)! The courses are held in Ljubljana, Celje, Kranj and Novi Mesto.

3 Day Boat Manager Course, MOST FOR YOUR MONEY!
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I get with the purchase

  • 3-day boatmaster course for 1 person
  • 16 school hours,
  • manual for the leader of a boat at sea (176 pages + video content),
  • 2x nautical chart (format B3),
  • string for knots,
  • access to over 100 video contents
  • tasks for navigation in electronic form
  • instructions for paying the exam fee and tax, as well as the application form and instructions for registering for the exam.

Check the course dates for Ljubljana, Celje, Kranj, Novo Mesto Murska Sobot or Dravograd at:

The offer does not include the cost of taking the exam in the amount of €54.50, which you pay to the Maritime Administration of the Republic of Slovenia according to the provider's instructions.

Terms of purchase

  • The coupon is valid for a three-day boat leader course (for 1 person) in Ljubljana, Celje, Kranj and Novi Mesto.
  • The coupon is valid for the dates published on the provider's website:!
  • To reserve an appointment, send the coupon code to the e-mail address: info@izpitzacoln.comalong with the selected date and place of the course, and the note "Purchased on".
  • When you make a purchase, you will receive a coupon code in the column MY GROUPS.
  • Cancellation of the reservation at least 72 hours before the agreed date, otherwise the voucher is considered redeemed.
  • The voucher is redeemable in 2019 - the course must start by then.
  • Everyone can buy several coupons, which can also be given away.
The course for the boat exam consists of 16 hours. Courses are usually held in the afternoon between 5:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. in Ljubljana and Kranj, and in other cities usually between 4:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m. For the exact schedule of the selected term (boat test), please contact us. In Murska Sobota and Dravograd, the course takes place on Fridays and Saturdays.

• Ljubljana – Estopark office building, Cesta na Brdo 85, 1000 Ljubljana
• Kranj – School center Kranj (former trade school), Zupančičeva 22, 4000 Kranj
• Celje – Fran Roša Elementary School, Cesta na Dobrovo 114, 3000 Celje
• New Town – Miran Jarac Library Novo Mesto, Rozmanova ulica 28, 8000 Novo Mesto
• Murska Saturday - RIC Dvorec Rakičan - Modri salon, Lendavska street 28
• Dravograd - Dvorec Bukovje, Bukovje 13

In the course, we cover all topics that are necessary for successfully passing the exam:
• naval works and the majority
• the basics of navigation
• maritime regulations
• rules on avoiding collisions at sea
• basics of motor science

Why choose naš course?
• direct contact with the lecturer
• more than 10 years of experience with nautical education
• unique educational program
• the most up-to-date and the only official literature
• video content to support learning
• 96% success rate in exams
• you can redeem the voucher in 2019
• we are also available after the course for you and your questions
Click to show the location!


AJ Nautika
Ambrož Jakop s.p.
Poštni vrt 3, 1370 Logatec
contact details

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