Hanger Organiser for 40 Items Plusrobe InnovaGoods 24 Pieces
InnovaGoods offers the latest items for your home, such as the Hanger Organiser for 40 Items Plusrobe InnovaGoods 24 Pieces.
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Postage is charged at the time of purchase: €3.66 (+€2.80 after cash on delivery)
Estimated delivery time is 1-3 working days
Dimensions (cm): 24,00 x 5,00 x 11,00
Weight: 0,38kg
Brand: InnovaGoods
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InnovaGoods offers the latest items for your home, such as the Hanger Organiser for 40 Items Plusrobe InnovaGoods 24 Pieces ! Discover a wide range of high-quality products which stand out for their functionality, efficiency and innovative design: lighting, storage, decoration, air conditioning, garden, pets, cleaning, etc.
A clothes rack that saves space inside your wardrobe and allows to organize your clothes without wrinkling them. A simple, practical and economical solution to optimize your wardrobe organisation!
- Approx. dimensions: 8,7 cm
- Colour: White
- Original and portable design: Innovative and functional
- Type: Organiser
- Multi-position: Horizontal-vertical
- Tidy and space saving: Saves space in the wardrobe
- Versatile and adaptable: Suitable for all types of garments
- Large capacity and stability: Firm hold
- Number of pieces: 24 Pieces
- Includes:
- 8 organizers with space for 5 pieces each
- 16 hangers (2 for each organiser)
- Detachable: Easy to assemble and disassemble
- Easy to use: Convenient and easy to use
- Light and manageable: Easy to transport and store
- Characteristics: Clothes not included
- Approx. length: 23 cm (x8)
- Packaging in 24 languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Hungarian, Romanian, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Slovenian, Greek, Czech, Bulgarian, Croatian, Slovakian, Estonian, Russian and Latvian
Terms of purchase
- Nakup velja za: Dva kompleta organizatorjev za obešalnike za 80 kosov oblačil
- Estimated delivery time is 1-3 working days from confirmed payment.
- The package will be provided by Qualitas d.o.o. sent by mail, if you choose the delivery option when purchasing.
- Postage is charged at the time of purchase: €3.66.
- Personal collection is possible in Kranj, Ljubljanska cesta 24b, if you select the personal collection option when purchasing.
- In the case of personal collection, the purchase can be redeemed 15 days after the notification for collection has been sent.
Sedaj lahko v prostoru, kjer smo prej na treh obešalnikih imeli več oblačil, naloženih eno na drugi, obesimo do deset obešalnikov. Oblačila se ne bodo zmečkala, temveč bodo lepo pospravljena. Tudi teža naj vas ne skrbi, saj so organizatorji izdelani iz zelo odporne plastike (polimerov).
To je enostavna, praktična in varčna rešitev za vašo omaro. Z organizatorji obešalnikov za oblačila boste pridobili več prostora v omari in boljši izkoristek prostora.
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